Transformers Titan Masters Release Party

May 29, 2020

The next wave of Transformers is here. Join us for our Titan Masters Attack Release Party!

Dates: Sunday May 31
Time: 2:00 PM (Signup Starts at 1:00PM)
Format: Sealed
Cap: 12 Participants
Entry: $25
*Entry can be purchased instore or online at

Important Information Regarding The Game Area:
*We are capping the event at 12 participants. Due to the occupancy restrictions caused by COVID19 we ask that you do not bring any persons with you that will not be participating in the event. Our game area can only accommodate 16 people in total. If needed we will have to decline entry in order to maintain occupancy requirements.
*Face masks are required for the duration of the event.

Prize Support:
– Each participant will receive ALL 3 Tital Wave promo cards.
– Each participant will receive an Arcana promo card.
– 1 Titan Masters Attack booster pack will be awarded per win.

Here’s How It Works:
– First we will provide you with 5 Titan Masters Attack booster packs.
– You will be given 45 minutes to open your packs and make a 40 card deck.
– There will be 4 50 minute rounds.