Date: Thursday May 20, 2021
Start Time: 7pm
End Time: 9pm
Cost: $5
Seat Cap: 16
To celebrate the release of the newest Unison Warrior series Supreme Rivalry, Dragon’s Lair Comics & Fantasy Austin will be hosting an online store championship using a combination of our discord server and remote games.
Players who sign up for our store championship will be e-mailed information regarding further information on how the games will be operated and recorded.
- Singles
- Constructed
- Swiss Rounds. No Top Cut is supported for this event.
- 30 minutes, Best of 1 game
Players who participate will get:
- Championship Pack 2021 Vol 1 x2
- Event Pack 7 x2
- DBSCG Supreme Rivalry Booster x1
Winner of the tournament will also get:
- Alt Art Card Se 2021 Vol. 1 x1
- DBSCG Vermillion Bloodline Boosters x4
- Finals invite for the DBSCG Championship series
For more details on the contents of the event packs check out the official website:
Register Below