Date: Saturday March 4th
Registration/Check In Time: 11am
Start Time: 12pm
End Time: 8pm
Cost: $25
Seat Cap: 48
Dragon’s Lair Comics & Fantasy is proud to announce our Magic the Gathering: Phyrexia All Will Be One Store Championship Draft event. This event will be a regular level booster draft using MTG: Phyrexia All Will Be One!
As a draft event, players will play a standard draft being placed into 6-10 man pods depending on player numbers. The draft pods will do a 50 minute draft round followed by 3 45 minute standard swiss format timed rounds to determine winners for each pod.
The top players of each pod will than be asked to pay an additional $15 to cover the cost of the draft packs and advance to a top 8 where those players will again form a new draft pod and draft fresh packs and then compete in a elimination format until 1 player remains as the winner!
-All participants will get a MTG: Phyrexia All Will Be One Draft Booster and Full-Art Annex Sentry card for participation.
-Participants who win at least 2-x in their draft pod and do not qualify for the top 8 will get an additional draft booster pack of MTG: Phyrexia All Will Be One
-All players who get into top 8 will receive a copy of full art Memory Deluge
-Players who place 5-8 will get 4 total draft booster packs of MTG: Phyrexia All Will Be One
-Places 3rd & 4th will get 8 total draft booster packs of MTG: Phyrexia All Will Be One.
-2nd place will get 18 total draft booster packs of MTG: Phyrexia All Will Be One.
-1st place will get their choice of a full booster box of Draft booster of MTG: Phyrexia All Will Be One and a special full art foil Koth, Fire of the Resistance as the winner of the store championship.