Boom Studios presents a brand new comic series that follows three ESA pets living on the Starship Horizon – a spacecraft searching for a new planet to house a humanity compromised by bad decisions and corporate corruption.
After the ship crashes and their crew is captured, these loyal pets are their owners’ only hope. Outfitted in outrageous mech suits, these three best friends must navigate a hostile world to rescue their owners in a series of adventures that threaten to tear their friendship apart.
This creative and action packed sci-fi story will tug at your heartstrings and you’ll find yourself giving the animals in your life a little extra love. Written by Eisner award winner Pornsak (The Good Asian) and Eisner nominated Jesse Lonergen (Hedra, Miss Truesdale and the Fall of Hyperborea), this is sure to be a title to pick up and add to your subscription. Check it out this week – the first issue hits our shelves at 9am Wednesday March 20th!