Gaming for Orlando

June 12, 2016

FantasyAGE_logo_compact-450Kiel Chenier, of the excellent blog Dungeons & Donuts, will be running a game of Green Ronin’s Fantasy AGE RPG this Friday to raise money for the shooting victims of Orlando:

I am an openly bisexual person who is attending GenCon as a GM for Tabletop Gaymer, running games in a safe space for LGBTAIQ individuals. At the behest of Green Ronin Publishing, I wrote an adventure specifically for the occasion: a prep and defense romp set in a fantasy LGBTAIQ burlesque house, where gay, bi, trans, and ace performers and players defend their space from bandit attackers.

The recent shooting at Pulse, a gay nightclub/bar in Orlando, has been a horrifying reminder of how our real space spaces can be invaded, and our friends and family killed because of hate and prejudice. It is sickening, and it scares me tremendously.

I’d like to run the adventure I wrote online, and I’d like to broadcast it as an opportunity to reach out to people to donate to those in need in this time of healing. At the moment I’m looking into setting up donation links to the American Red Cross, but I might choose a different charity/relief fund. I’m still researching who/where might be best.

More details can be found (on the mildly NSFW) Google+ announcement. Check it out for a great opportunity to do some good and see the Fantasy AGE RPG in action.


September 1, 2022

GMing Yourself

Solo gaming, that is, playing a wargame or an RPG by yourself, was rising in pop...

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